Baileys Irish Cream 200ML
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With innovation at its heart, Baileys was the first and is still the most-popular Irish cream liqueur. The original Irish Cream, Baileys is enjoyed around the world, with around 2,000 glasses served every minute of the day. Baileys Irish Cream has been awarded more medals at the San Francisco World Spirits Competition than any of its competitors. It is the only cream liqueur to have won a medal every year since 2003. This smooth, stylish drink draws on the Irish traditions of dairy and distilling and took over four years to perfect. It is the ultimate blend of smooth Irish cream and triple-distilled Irish whiskey. The smooth velvety texture and perfect combination of cream and whiskey delight the senses.
Tasting Notes
Baileys is the ultimate Irish cream liqueur, that blends the finest aged Irish whiskey with fresh dairy cream and a hint of cocoa and vanilla.Â
- Style Cream/Coffee
- Alcohol Content 17%
- Standard Drinks 2.7
- Brand Baileys
- Region Of Origin Ireland
- Country Of Origin Ireland